
BAHAYA COVID DAN CARA MENCEGAH NYA       Bahaya virus corona atau Covid-19 yaitu transmisi yang cepat dan lebih mudah dibandingkan wabah SARS yang pernah melanda dunia pada tahun 2003, dikutip dari Financial Times. Penyebaran yang cepat ini membuat kasus positif corona di dunia mencapai 935.957 per Kamis (2/4/2020) atau dalam kurun waktu 5 bulan atau sejak kasus pertama ditemukan pada November 2019. Virus corona menyerang saluran pernapasan manusia. Seseorang dapat terinfeksi dari penderita Covid-19. Penyakit ini dapat menyebar melalui tetesan kecil (droplet) dari hidung atau mulut pada saat batuk atau bersin. Droplet tersebut kemudian jatuh pada benda di sekitarnya. Kemudian jika ada orang lain menyentuh benda yang sudah terkontaminasi dengan droplet tersebut, lalu orang itu menyentuh mata, hidung atau mulut (segitiga wajah), maka orang itu dapat terinfeksi Covid-19. Bisa juga seseorang terinfeksi Covid-19 ketika tanpa sengaja menghirup droplet dari penderita...


Name : Rahmatul Husna Nim    : 2317100 Class : PBI 5C

PAPER TEFL - Strategies for Teaching Reading

PAPER TEFL Strategies for Teaching Reading Lecturer:  M.Aries Taufiq Class : PBI-5C    Rahmatul Husna (2317100) STATATE OF INSTITUTE ISLAMIC OF BUKITTINGGI ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 2019/2020   Strategies for Teaching Reading A. Balancing Instructional Elements  Description Most learners can cope with only a few


PAPER FUNCTIONAL GRAMMAR THE ARCHITECTURE OF LANGUAGE Lecturer DR. Dra. Afdaleni. M. Pd, M. Pd Class : PBI-5C                                                   Rahmatul Husna (2317100) STATATE OF INSTITUTE ISLAMIC OF BUKITTINGGI ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 2019/2020   A. THE ARCHITECTURE OF LANGUAGE Text and grammar When people speak or write, they


PAPPER ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING CURRICULUM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Lecturer Absharini Kardena, M.Pd Class : PBI-5C                   Rahmatul husna   (2317100) STATED ISLAMIC INSTITUTE OF BUKITTINGGI ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 2019/2020 Goals   Program goals are defined in this book as
How to use a simple Paint image processing application, steps: 1. Click Start 2. Click All Programs 3. Click the Accessories menu 4. Click the Paint icon The MS Paint menu, consists of: The Home Menu, contains a collection of Cliptboard icons, Image, Tools, Brushes, Shapes, Pencils, Fill, and Color panels. The Cliptboard menu icon functions to copy, paste, and cut images. Image menu icon, serves to select parts of the image, crop (crop), merisais, and change the position of the image (rotation). Tools menu icon, functions to draw using a pencil, coloring with pain buck, writing with Text (A), erasing with eraser, and zooming in, zooming out. Brushes, its function is to give a color brush according to the choice of brush type Shapes menu icon, functions to choose various shapes shapes   - Fill, to choose a color   - Size, its function is to choose the thickness of the line   - Color Palette, its function is to choose the type of color The View...
How to Screen Capture on a Laptop and a Windows PC : 1. Take screenshots without saving as files, only saved to the clipboard. 2. Take screenshots and automatically save them into files 3. Take screenshots of only one active window, and not the entire screen 1. Take screenshots without saving as files, only saved to the clipboard. You just need to press the Print Screen button (on some laptops sometimes it requires you to press Fn + PrtScn) You won't see anything after you press the Print screen button, but the screen screenshot will be saved on the Clipboard. Now you just open your favorite Image Editor application (for example, MS Paint), and paste it. The screenshot will be pasted directly there and ready for you to save or further processing. 2. Take screenshots and automatically save them into files How to screenshot a PC by directly saving it as a file only applies to Windows 8.1 and above (including can also be on Windows 10). The trick is to just press the ...